
The value of an employee!

I found a blog post on the Harvard Business Review website that discusses ways to make your team feel valued. The author suggests that to lead a team of engaged, productive, and inspired people, you need to show them that they’re valued. When people feel valued, they are more likely to report better physical and mental health, as well as higher levels of engagement, satisfaction and motivation 1.

The author recommends the following ways to make people feel important and respected at work:

  1. Get to know your people: You can’t meet someone’s needs if you don’t know what those needs are. To figure this out, dig a little deeper into your relationship with each team member. Ask yourself: How well do I know my direct reports? What are their goals? What motivates them?
  2. Tell, but also show: Showing your reports that you value them by backing your words with action and advocating for them is critical. This means when you say you are going to do something, you follow through 1.
  3. I want to add to this post from -Nulyfe when you treat employees well they work harder for you. They don’t look at their job as work. They find ways to please their bosses more because if they look good we all good. If they’re investing their time and expertise to a job that means the environment is positive and the people they work with are happy too.
  4. Micromanagement has never worked out in favor of a business. The shutdown of 2020 showed us that what we can do at an office can also be done at home with the right equipment. Those in charge that feel the need to stand over someone and watch their every move tends to get defiant individuals, they begin to milk the clock, and the morale drops significantly.
  5. Just because you have a title doesn’t give one the entitlement to treat other human beings like trash. People are finding other streams of income and ways to live life abundantly. Why is it we never send those titled people to pds-professional development or conferences to learn something about management. Those at the top seem to find multiple ways to bring their staff down. Hopefully, someone will get it and they’ll begin to see how loyal their staff truly is to the business.
  6. Speaking from an education perspective, teachers don’t leave because of the kids, they leave because of poor management.
  7. Nulyfe Nuways-never negate the Nu-N-U

Categories: Healing!

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